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This afternoon we finally picked a used car car to use for travels! It is a 1997 Mitsubishi Legnum Station wagon. It was a little more than what we had planned on spending but it should be a very useful car and it certainly felt a lot more durable/reliable while driving than other model cars we has tried. It was at the mechanics and we picked it up not long ago. Fuel is $1.70 a litre here! Argh!

Auckland Sky tower

Yesterday Fem and I went up the Auckland Skytower, which is similar to the Sydney Centerpoint. It was well worth the trip as we had an awesome day for it, and was able to see for extremely long distances in all directions.

Fem on the glass section

They even have glass floors in their elevators and in sections of the walkway. Even after a while I was still not comfortable standing on it. As I recently got some new sneakers which are nice and bouncy. When I was on glass sections of the walkway my brain was telling me it was the glass that was bouncy and not my shoes! Fem had a great time and was even jumping on the glass after a while!

Below is one of the many shots I got from the sky tower. I will update my photo gallery soon and display all the shots!

Impressive View

Last night we went to a local comedy club where we got to see 10 new NZ comedians. Most were pretty good, and they had an excellent female comedian MC. Also with the seating for the night, we were literally right in front of the stage! With Fem and I right in front of them, all the comedians could easily see us, and as a result we got spoken to a fair bit through out the night. A sample was:

Female MC (looking at me): Whoa! What’s your name?
Me: Um.. Matt
Female MC: Where are you from?
Me: What?
Femke: He’s from Australia.
Female MC: Ahh.. I see you have bought an interpreter!

Funny stuff. :)

Got a lot happening over the next week as we do a coast to coast hike at Auckland and start our 6 day trip to Wellington! So stay tuned for more!
