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Reviewing red wine

1 minute read

My post about informally reviewing red wine.

A new son is born!

less than 1 minute read

We now have a second son to introduce to the world!

Not long now

less than 1 minute read

Getting ready for the birth of our second child which is due very soon!

Visual Studio Code

1 minute read

Why I recommend Visual Studio Code as your main text editor.

BTDF in Visual Studio 2015

4 minute read

Workaround for getting BTDF to work with BizTalk 2016 and Visual Studio 2015. [UPDATE: This workaround is no longer required. BTDF is now updated]

Goodbye my mother

less than 1 minute read

This is very hard one for me to write.

Off to Microsoft Ignite in New Zealand!

less than 1 minute read

This year Mexia are sending several co-workers and I to the Microsoft Ignite conference to be held in Auckland, New Zealand.

Azure App Services announced

less than 1 minute read

Microsoft announced Azure App Services today. This will definitely be a technology to watch to see how the future of BizTalk development may evolve. However ...


less than 1 minute read defines Intrepid as:

Nathan is here!

less than 1 minute read

I have been really really slack with this site hey?

Not long now!

less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow is Femke’s last day at her work for about 9 months!

An addition to the family!

less than 1 minute read

I don’t know if many or any people are still following this blog? However I do just want to proudly announce that my future wife to be Femke is now about 8 w...

Macbook Pro

1 minute read

Most of you already know that on my personal PC side, I have switched from PC to Mac. After using an iPhone for over a year by that time I was curious about ...

Wow… time does fly!

less than 1 minute read

Wow. it’s been over a year since I have touched this site.

House Hunting

1 minute read

Femke now has her residency visa, so now we move on to setting up our own lives together.

A Dutch Life

5 minute read

My thoughts reflecting back on life in the Netherlands for 3 months and how it compares to Australia.

Journey back to Australia

5 minute read

Sadly I had to leave the Netherlands to return to Australia by myself. I did have some issues on the flight back too.

Immigration Dramas

5 minute read

Things are not quite going to plan with regards to staying and working in the Netherlands.

Immigration Dramas

3 minute read

Things are not quite going to plan with regards to staying and working in the Netherlands.

Whanganui Canoe Trip

25 minute read

This is the story of the biggest adventure we had in our entire New Zealand travel holiday! We are just glad to have survived it!

A bit of snow

less than 1 minute read

I have not seen a lot of snow in my life, so it was a big deal for me when it happened in Christchurch!

Yet more blog changes

less than 1 minute read

Some behind the scenes changes of my blog web site


1 minute read

Details our travels to Wanaka and the Rob Roy hike

Fox Glacier

2 minute read

Several days at Fox Glacier and taking in the local sights.

Frans Josef Glacier

4 minute read

Details about the three days we spent at Frans Joseph glacier. Stunning photos and views

Greymouth to Frans Josef

less than 1 minute read

A pretty dull drive from Greymouth to Frans Josef. But it picked up dramatically towards the end!


1 minute read

It was a stunning drive from Westport to Greymouth.


less than 1 minute read

Not a great deal happened on the journey to Westport and while we were there.

Nelson Lakes National Park

4 minute read

Details the adventures and mishaps we had at Nelson Lakes right after the Abel Tasman hike.

Abel Tasman Coastal Track

3 minute read

Big blog post about our first great hike! the Abel Tasman Costal Track!

Welcome to the South Island

less than 1 minute read

After a while in Wellington, it was time to say goodbye (for now) to our relatives and move on to the South Island.

Windy Wellington

less than 1 minute read

Catching up with Jeff, Cath, Jarrod and Jack in Wellington

The long road south

2 minute read

Details of our trip from Auckland to Wellington

A minor setback

less than 1 minute read

A small thing causes a few delays to our trip

New Laptop

1 minute read

Investigations into getting a new laptop

New hearing aids!

1 minute read

Not many good audiologists out there any more.

Create your own books!

less than 1 minute read

How you can create awesome and professional looking books from your computer!

Water Woes

1 minute read

Cheap and nasty cost cutting during one of Brisbane’s worst droughts

New Camera Gear

less than 1 minute read

Details of my new camera gear

Weekend in Sydney

less than 1 minute read

Summary of weekend photography trip to Sydney with Bronwen and John

Dirt Bike Shots

less than 1 minute read

Testing out new camera gear by taking photos of a mate’s dirt bike in action